Papuans Behind Bars

Papuans Behind Bars documents political prisoners in West Papua facing arbitrary arrests and abuse.

Mass and arbitrary arrests have reached alarming levels in West Papua, as ongoing government policies aimed at suppressing free expression and criticism, especially concerning human rights abuses and violations by authorities, have created a deeply oppressive atmosphere. Political arrests almost doubled in 2023 alone.

Relaunched in 2024, Papuans Behind Bars is an online resource about political prisoners in West Papua. The site aims to raise awareness about Papuan political prisoners so that nobody is forgotten. Many of the prisoners have suffered arbitrary arrest, violence, abuse, torture, unfair trials, intimidation and neglect. 

Papuans Behind Bars aims to provide accurate and transparent data, published in English and Indonesian, to facilitate direct support for political prisoners and promote wider debate and campaigning to support free expression in West Papua. 

This database is a collective effort initiated by Papuan civil society groups working together as the Civil Society Coalition to Uphold Law and Human Rights in Papua. It is a grassroots initiative and represents a broad collaboration between lawyers, human rights groups, adat groups, activists, journalists and individuals in West Papua, as well as Jakarta-based NGOs and international solidarity groups. Currently, Papuans Behind Bars is managed and hosted by TAPOL. Tapol is an abbreviation of the Indonesian words for political prisoners (tahanan politik).