HURIDOCS collaborated with the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and the SOS-Defenders network to build a multi-lingual Uwazi database to document arbitrary detentions of human rights defenders worldwide.
To honour the victims and survivors of Afghanistan’s long-standing conflicts, the Afghanistan Memory Home museum is a sanctuary for their stories, giving Afghans a voice and ensuring that the human impact of war is never forgotten.
A Mexican collective of women related to disappeared persons is transforming their pain into a driving force to create awareness, advocacy and demand for social change in a country where a person disappears every hour.
HURIDOCS ha acompañado a CEDIB y CONTIOCAP en el desarrollo de una base de datos que destaque la lucha por los derechos humanos y la justicia ambiental en Bolivia.
Korea Future, with support from HURIDOCS, has launched the North Korean Prison Database that documents human rights violations in the North Korean penal system.