New look, steadfast mission: HURIDOCS has got a fresh website and visual identity
We’ve updated our logo and redesigned our website to better serve human rights defenders and convey why information management matters.
We’ve updated our logo and redesigned our website to better serve human rights defenders and convey why information management matters.
As our senior documentalist retires, we celebrate his unrivalled commitment, skill and kindness after more than three decades at HURIDOCS.
HURIDOCS will apply artificial intelligence to human rights documentation.
Phishing, malware and “denial of service” attacks represent a real threat to human rights activists.
“This award sheds light on the very cruel refugee policy of the Australian Government. It also brings international attention to the dangers and ill-treatment faced by refugees all over the world…”
“I want to thank all our partners for bringing drive and a sense of purpose into our work, and we are grateful to all our supporters…”
As many have said throughout the years: “If Bert is well, HURIDOCS is well.”
At the Internet Freedom Festival, we had the opportunity to host a session on the sustainability of open source products. Here are some resulting insights.
We want to hear from you about the challenges you face implementing organizational security support and your solutions.
More than ever in 2015, we built human-centered information management strategies and systems with our partners.