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The collaborative effort to create these resources is an act of solidarity. The experiences of a wide range of human rights practitioners provided the core knowledge upon which these resources were built. We are so grateful for this community of practitioners who have generously given their time to this project by completing surveys, participating in interviews, and providing feedback on drafts.

Contributors to these resources #

Aboud, Stéphanie (ALEF – Act for Human Rights)
Adam, Moneim (Sudanese Archive)
Agus Prima, Benny (FORUM-ASIA)
Alshatrim, Mohammad (SUARAM)
Barak, Itamar
Booyzen, Yolanda (HURIDOCS)
Cruz Reyes, Mavi (FrayMa)
Davis, Matt (Contra Nocendi)
Dolma, Phurbu (HURIDOCS)
AE (Committee for Justice)
Gómez Vicente, Lucía (HURIDOCS)
Hizli, Gamze (Hafiza Merkezi)
Jeon, Hyebin (HURIDOCS)
Kecskés, László (HURIDOCS)
Kpadonou, Chamrid (HURIDOCS)
Lambán, Mario (Global Water Partnership)
Lacruz, Salva (HURIDOCS)
Lindeberg, Jöran (master student of Strategic Information Systems Management, Stockholm University)
Loi, Valerio (FORUM-ASIA)
Longley, Tom (Security Force Monitor)
Moses, Opio (Soweto Community Based Organization)
Ng, Yvonne (WITNESS)
Olgado, Bono (HURIDOCS)
Schweisfurth, Lynn (Uzbek Forum)
Stevens, Scott (Transitional Justice Working Group)
Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM)
Weinberg, Friedhelm (HURIDOCS)
Zammuto, Jackie (WITNESS)

Our organisational allies WITNESS and Transitional Justice Working Group were with us since the beginning to help us brainstorm and make decisions.

The HURIDOCS Knowledge Collaboration team (Grace Linczer, Diego Toledo, and Kristin Antin)

🙌 If you want to join our effort to collaboratively develop resources related to managing human rights information, please reach out!

Communities of practice that provided advice #

We are grateful for the advice we received from members of the Network-Centric Resources community of practice, hosted by Fabrider. Amanda Hickman and Brendon Johnson provided their experiences regarding making decisions on knowledge-sharing platforms, and we give kudos to Amanda for sharing her tactic of linking resources to the Google Docs where people are able to add comments, and her use of the sprout icon 🌱 to flag sections of content that could benefit from additional feedback and input. Thank you!

Projects we took inspiration from #

We also want to acknowledge past efforts that contributed to the development of these resources. These efforts broke new ground and enabled human rights practitioners to learn and practice ways to harness the power of their information. These efforts include:

Patrick Ball. Who Did What to Whom? Planning and Implementing a Large Scale Human Rights Data Project. (1996) American Association for the Advancement of Science. Last accessed December 11, 2021 at

Tactical Technology Collective. Drawing by Numbers. Last accessed February 8, 2022 at This is an archived project that we found incredibly helpful and inspiring. The updated version of this project is called Visualising Information for Advocacy

HURIDOCS events standard formats : a tool for documenting human rights violations. Copyright 2001 by HURIDOCS. Last accessed February 8, 2022 at

WITNESS. The People’s Database for Community-based Police Accountability: A Berkeley Copwatch + WITNESS initiative. Information about the development of this database and resources such as a Planning Workbook, Database Template, Data Dictionary and more. Last accessed February 8, 2022

Access Accountability, an initiative of the Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG) based in Seoul, South Korea, provides resources for human rights defenders to guide the development of information structures, projects and systems. Last accessed February 8, 2022 at

The Engine Room. Responsible Data Handbook: Designing a Responsible Data Project. (2016). Last accessed January 2, 2022 at 

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